And it Starts...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Game Production

"Will drive" is under development and is chugging along nicely. There have been changes since the inception of the game but towards its betterment. It will be nice to exchange notes when we meet up.....

The following deals with the present workings of the game:

The first screen is a welcome screen that contains a screenshot of the game and three buttons namely, Start, Instructions and Help. After clicking the Start button, the second screen (fig.1) loads and consists of a track, car, start--finish points, and five obstacles/flags (depicts the five mini games). The game consists of 5 mini-games that can be attempted in any order. A mini game will be launched when the learner drives the car into a flag/obstacle on the track that represents that particular mini-game from where the car is sucked into a vortex (travels in a tunnel with effects that show a change of dimension) and lands on the start pad of the mini game. Each mini game targets a particular attribute/skill that needs to be taught to the learner. For example, mini-game 1 targets parking and teaches the learner two types of parking--parallel and angular. Instructions and hints are provided in the form of audio and on-screen text to coax and inform the learner. Feedback is also given in the form of audio and on-screen text. This double fold layer of feedback is to reinforce learning.

The learner cannot attempt another mini-game without completing the present mini-game. Linear navigation is not forced when attempting any mini-game—the choice of mini-game is therefore upto the learner. A save game state or bookmark functionality will allow the learner to begin from the same point that the learner left the game. After the successful completion of all mini-games the learner is allowed to attempt 30 multiple-choice questions as a practice exercise before the real computer based knowledge test, where the learner needs to get 80 percent question right to attaining a learner’s driving license.

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