And it Starts...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thoughts 1

I think the game needs to be designed in such a way that it keeps the young learner engaged, motivated/stimulated, and challenged at the same time. Now how would do you do that? Well, each of the chapters in the basic drivers handbook can be made into missions that need to be completed. For example, in Chapter 2 dealing with Traffic Controls the learner would need to drive the car from point A to point B within a certain time without getting busted by the cops on the way. Cops can bust a learner for violating road speeds, regulatory signs, prohibitive manoeuvre signs, warning signs etc.

The learner's game elements would involve the speedometer, 2D top view of the car, scrolling roads, pedestrians, timer, a map to show the learner's present position with regard to the finish line, different vehicles (mission specific for example, school bus), cop car (with flashing lights if apprehended), stationary cop car (no flashing lights on the roadside to make the learner jittery/conscious when least expected), different types of road signs, school areas and zones, and other elements depending on the mission.

Gameplay invloves the hood of the car to smoke (for 5 seconds) and then explode if driving faster than the stipulated speed for a zone (if you aren't pulled over by cops before that). One mistake and the mission is restarted from the beginning unless the learner has crossed half the stage for a particular mission where the game is saved automatically after passing the half way mark. The car accelerates by using the UP arrow, decelerates by using the DOWN arrow, moves left by using the LEFT arrow and moves right by using the RIGHT arrow.

More thoughts coming up.....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Can Digital Games Help Save Lives on Canadian Roads? Effectiveness of Games and Web 2.0 in Enhancing Drivers Knowledge of Road Rules

So the question is reiterated again..... can a simulated driving environment or a game depicting actual driving conditions be so effective that it can save lives on Canadian roads??? Hold on for more on it.....

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog Opening

Inauguration done.....more to follow shortly.....